
Frequently asked questions

Getting Started

MAGNI provides two different types of licensing methods for your business, examinees and learners. Examinee licensing is considered a one time use license. You will receive one administrator license to manage your account where you will be able to create access tokens to send out for people to take assessments. Once they take the assessment, there is no further interaction in the system. Learners licensing gives you access to seats in the system for your administrator account and learner accounts. You will generate enrollment keys for your learners to register where they can take all assessments assigned to them, see their reports, and view their progress. Learners can also pause and resume their assessments. Talk to our sales team to discover which solution works best for you or read our documentation.

Once your account representative creates your company account you will be sent an enrollment key to register your administrative account. This account should be someone with the account privileges in your business to manage your content and users that will be taking assessments within the system. The registration page can be found here. Once registered your account will have access to create new enrollment keys*, access tokens, and quizzes and questions. You will also have access to quizzes and questions from the MAGNI library.

Every assessment taken in the system is recorded and stored for easy access. As an administrator you can view learner and examinee results. There are many ways to view assessment results, via, individual reports, summary reports and an advanced pivot table. See our documentation on reports for more information here.


Yes, you can take our industry vetted assessments and use them as is, or add in your own questions. Questions are separated from every quiz so they are easily reusable among assessments. If you want to make complete quizzes with all custom questions just for your business you can do so as well.

Yes! You can add your own images to questions once they are uploaded to your accounts media library. Current support of images include .gif .png .jpg .jpeg .bmp. Max file size: 4MB.

Yes, if you need help creating new assessments for your staff and do not have the resources to create them yourself contact our sales team to create a custom solution from the ground up to meet your needs.

Data Driven Career Development

No way! Start with your current training and sprinkle some MAGNI training here or there. Experiment the program in a small subset of your team; when you see the desired result, let that wildfire spread.

We encourage you to create training modules that are best suited for the roles and skills of your team including processes, procedures, or general work instructions. Still not sure where to start? You can use our industry vetted training packages readily available for the manufacturing sector.

Every assessment completed by learners generates reports based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. These reports provide insights on individual’s ability to identify, understand, and apply the subject matter. Need to compare your team and see where their strengths are? MAGNI provides capabilities for that as well.

I am ready to start a new project with MAGNI AI.